Get a Remarkably Better IT Support Experience
From the IT company that wrote the book on customer service.
Get the Extra Scoop Experience
mPowered IT Founder & CEO, John Mamon, noticed the general decline in customer service over the past few decades. His own industry is known to be lacking in this area – something he set out to change.
He built mPowered IT on solid principles of service and customer relationships that he developed over many years. He wrote The Extra Scoop: Rediscover the Art of Great Customer Service as guide to for all businesses to use to ensure happier customers.
What is The Extra Scoop? There's more to it, but in short, it's giving more than the customer expects.
Excerpt from the book:
You can create a truly memorable Customer experience two ways: by exceeding expectations or by failing to meet them. There is nothing in between.
Chapter 1 Extra Scoop
Chapter 6 Extra Scoop
Chapter 8 Extra Scoop
Be so good at Customer Service that any employee might be perceived as the owner.