How Can You Know Your Technology is Right for Your Business?
As a business owner or manager, one thing you can be sure of is that the IT you’re using now will become outdated sooner than you’d like. You may not even be certain that your current business systems are a good fit in price or performance. Acquiring technology for a growing business is like buying a used car – unless you’re a mechanic, you just have to trust the seller. With your IT, the consequence of having less than ideal technology can drain your business of productivity and profits for years.
When you’re researching IT solutions for your business, you’re most likely going to encounter one of two people – a salesperson or a tech geek. The salesperson is eager to sell you products they represent, even if it’s not fully aligned with your business goals. The tech geek will want to sell you the technology they love because of the amazing things it can do, even if it’s more technology than you need. That’s not to bash either of them – we have both on staff here. They do great work. But we wouldn’t ask either of them to recommend the right technology for your business.
At mPowered IT, all technology consulting comes from a business perspective. We look at what is best for your business. Period.
When clients come to us wanting IT support, cybersecurity, or cloud services, they’ve often already been rattled by other IT companies telling them they need to purchase a specific system in order to work with them. We have a far easier “we love you as you are” philosophy, meaning we’ll work with the systems you have unless they’re causing an issue.
As your business grows and evolves or when a system becomes outdated, we’ll make recommendations for new technology. We recommend technology changes only when it makes good business sense – for you, not us!
mPowered IT is not just the friendliest IT company in Atlanta, we’re also small business advocates. We are passionate about SMBs having the right technology and using it to its fullest. If you were one of our customers, you would always know your business systems are exactly right for your business. And, that they’re working as they should.
Want to know more? Call 678-389-6200.