If you like drama, we’re probably not the IT company you’d want!

Any issue with your company’s computer network sets the stage for drama. It can be as small as an employee not being able to access their email or a file they need – rendering them absolutely incapable of performing their job. It can be as big as a system crash that causes company-wide panic as orders can’t be filled or paychecks can’t be cut!

The first step is to call the IT support person in to FIX IT NOW! As time ticks away and sweat forms on everyone’s brow, the IT person works diligently to figure out what the heck happened (after asking those annoying questions: Is it plugged in? Have you tried restarting?). As moments pass, productivity plummets. When it turns into hours, hasty meetings are called and blame is thrown. And if it stretches into days, heads roll downhill with the month’s profits, along with customer retention.

Finally the IT person fixes it! Order is restored. There may be open weeping, hugs, high fives, and then everyone returns to work, feeling grateful that they had such wonderful IT support to take of it.

If you like that kind of drama in your business, you probably don’t want mPowered IT as your partner. We’re kind of boring. We just help to minimize issues with your computer network so it will just run as expected day in and day out. And maybe we’re kind of shy because we’d rather work quietly behind the scenes addressing potential issues before they turn into a problem you’d even notice. Sure, we do have to fix things now and then, but to us, we’ve done a great job when you don’t even think about your IT network. Yes, it seriously lacks drama, but it’s really good for your business.

Call mPowered IT at 678-389-6200 or contact us online.